Hello Folks,
We are happy to have you visit our responsive website. Chance is that you are here, either to seek help or to lend help to the vulnerable, marginalized, and needy children of God. Win-Dream International Center for Human Rights and Peace Development is incredibly happy to welcome your support and collaboration in our mission to the poor, needy and immigrant populations. We provide humanitarian support to orphans, indigent families and displaced populations in Africa and equally support low-income immigrant families in the United States towards acquiring immigration status.
Over 89.96% of the African population live infra-human conditions. These are commonly attributed to the impact of conflicts, terrorism, corruption, lack of jobs, poor access to basic necessities for dignified living and human rights. These are worsened by the global economic consequences of the covid-19 pandemic and the current ongoing war in Ukraine. As a result, nationals from countries in Africaand Latin America take different perilous routes to the developed west in search of greener pasture. The hazardous experiences of the border—Mediterranean crossing and insecurities of the home country through transit spaces and destination states continue to compel international attention. With alarming records of tragedies in the Atlantic, deserts, including risks of torture, trafficking and dehumanizing experiences at different western borders, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UHNCR) and the UN General Assembly High-Level Dialogue (HLD) have continued to promote the human rights, equality and sustainability of migrants across the world.
Win-Dream International participates in support projects for immigrants, low-income families and vulnerable populations within and outside the United States. Since 2021 Win-Dream International collaborate with religious groups in the United States to supply food to the homeless shelters in California. It has diverse faith-based programsto support youths, children and immigrant families going through spiritual, emotional and psychological distress. We equally provide pro bono as well as moderate fee-based immigration services through our volunteer attorneys to support struggling immigrant families in need of status. Our services are prompted by the Win-Dream Mission of charity, healing, human development and re-integration.
Win-Dream International Mission has been at the forefront of providing religious, charitable, and humanitarian support services. With meager resources from donations, Win-Dream has been able to provide support to over 55,000 people in Africa through education, provision of shelter, clothing, health, spiritual and psychological support.If perchance you fall under the category of persons we serve (Win-Dream beneficiaries), do well to alert Win-Dream International. In case youdesire to join the Win-Dream Humanitarian Mission, please reach out to our management.
God bless you!
Win-Dream International provides religious, humanitarian services. It is conveniently positioned to reach you virtually. Here we treat each immigrant based on his or her unique needs. Win-Dream has a passionate, qualified and experienced team that listens to your story.
We assist low-income families to resettle and win their American Dreams.
We structure our interview around stimulating and engaging questions that will aid you remember your stories in a way that compel immediate actions and appropriate legal reliefs. We equally have team of social workers and psychologists that can assist you with counseling support services.
For Services Call: (213)779-9967 to schedule an appointment or learn more about win-dream services or email us at:
Family-Based Immigration Services
Family Unification & Adjustment of Status
Refugee Resettlement Services
Humanitarian Parole
Human Rights Support and Counseling
Employment Support Services
My family got assistance and experienced love from Win-Dream International. We’ve been to two other centers. Win-Dream is incomparable. It offers individual attention with customized and re-assuring assistance. The families get a of induvial religious charitable assistance and a huge amount of time for counseling.
I truly appreciate the religious, social and racial diversity in the staff. They bring different traditions together and help the immigrants/victims of justice explore other alternatives. They make everyone feel welcome and safe.
Food drive for immigrant families
Charity visits to families
Marriage counseling and family mediation
Catechism and faith training
Educational support for indigent children
Reading and creative writing for children
Value re-orientation training
Debates and essay competition
Picnics and sports competition
Holiday program
Children’s day celebration
Creative dreamers’ program
Children’s Health outreach for rural communities
Peace training and peace advocacy
Training on Reading and Writing Skills
Book camping
Value re-orientation training
Debates and essay competition
Picnics and sports competition
Holiday program
Children’s day celebration
Career training program
Scholarship competition
Rehabilitation program for victims of crime or human rights violations
Peer group and Relationship training
Immigration support services
Peace advocacy
Peace building
Health outreaches to rural communities
Entrepreneurial and Financial Literacy Training
Women and Youth Empowerment Programining
Women and Youth Empowerment Program