Achieving Justice and Peace through Equity and Human Development


Guided by the Holy Spirit, Win-Dream International promotes social justice and human rights through committed services to the needy, while striving to protect human dignity to maintain peaceful coexistence in society.

WIN-DREAM INTERNATIONAL runs incredible, life-changing programs beneficial for all categories of persons—children, youths, and adults in families and diverse communities.

Action is the key to winning. Correct action leads to appropriate results. We promote tips to help cultivate the spirit of winning through nonviolent action.

  • Share ideas: Ideas rule the world. Win—Dream help propagate peaceful and cohesive ideas in diverse communities through dialogue, nonviolent actions, campaign, and conversation. The larger the ideas, the greater the opportunity for exciting and meaningful decisions.
  • Tolerate: We promote tolerance as a virtue and ideal of an open society. Our communities cannot win dreams without tolerance and social justice.
  • Trust: The first step to winning is trusting self. We encourage and propagate the buildingof self-confidence—trusting self and others. Don’t be afraid of trusting again. You can conquer all conflicts by trusting. Communities and families can handle big conflicts that seem unresolvable—or even impossible—to settle.

Cultivating a love for winning is a gift that keeps giving throughout life and to your communities or friends. TRUST MORE AND WIN MORE DREAMS!